Ancient Indian History Quiz Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

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1.Which one is the longest epic of the world?

[A] Ramayana
[B] Ramcharitmanas
[C] Mahabharata
[D] Hanuman Chalisa

Correct Answer: C [ Mahabharata ]


2.In which among the following sacrifices, the sacrificial materials used was sura in Vedic Era?

[A] Agnistoma
[B] Rajasuya
[C] Sautramani
[D] Vajapeya

Correct Answer: C [Sautramani ]


3.In Pali texts, who among the following is referred to as Nigantha Nataputta?

[A] Gautam Buddha
[B] Mahavira
[C] Parshvanatha
[D] Rishabha

Correct Answer: B [ Mahavira ]


4.During reign of Harsha, the Kannauj assembly was held to publicise the doctrines of which of the following sects?

[A] Mahayana
[B] Hinayana
[C] Theravada
[D] Svetambara

Correct Answer: A [ Mahayana ]


5.Which of the following inscriptions mentions the name of Kalidasa?

[A] Allahabad pillar inscription
[B] Aihole inscription
[C] Alapadu grant
[D] Hanumakonda inscription

Correct Answer: B [ Aihole inscription ]


6.In which year, Alexander invaded India?

[A] 326 BC
[B] 316 BC
[C] 346 BC
[D] 256 BC

Correct Answer: A [ 326 BC ]


7.To which of the following ethnic hordes, Toramana belonged to ?

[A] Scythians
[B] Hunas
[C] Yue-chis
[D] Sakas

Correct Answer: B [ Hunas ]


8.In context of Sangam Age, which among the following was the ruling class in society?

[A] Arasar
[B] Kadaisiyar
[C] Enadi
[D] Pandyas

Correct Answer: A [ Arasar ]


9.Who among the following was contemporary of Pushyamitra Sunga?

[A] Patanjali
[B] Kalidas
[C] Heliodorus
[D] Vasudeva

Correct Answer: A [ Patanjali ]


10.Who was the founder of Gupta Dynasty?

[A] Sri Gupta
[B] Samudragupta
[C] Chandragupta I
[D] Chandragupta II

Correct Answer: A [ Sri Gupta ]
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